
a journey of images

Navigation Tips

Browsers compatibility

This website has been developed on Apple Macintosh © platform. I love Mac but I'm aware that people mostly use Windows © PC and Microsoft Internet Explorer © as browser for Internet. So pages has been tested with:

  • Safari 5.1.7 (Mac)
  • Firefox 19.0.2 (Mac)
  • Google Chrome 25.0.1364.160 (Mac)
  • Internet Explorer 6 (PC)
  • Firefox 3.5.7 (PC)

Pages are rendered great with Safari, but all browsers listed above work fine. There is something wrong with IE (i.e. "leave a message" page) but I think is acceptable, after all.

If you experience bad rendering during navigation, please contact me adding as much information (URL, browser version, platform, problem description) as you can.

Monitor Resolution

Since this is a website dealing with images, the larger the monitor the more comfortable vision will be, especially for photo galleries. In galleries pages you can click thumbnails to enlarge them (up to 600*400). More than one image can be held enlarged at the same time; if you have a large screen (many pixels available) you can spread them without stacking. My advice is to use a 1024*768 monitor at least.


To leave a message on guestbook you should accept cookies.


This site relies on JavaScripts to display images. Please keep them enabled in your browser preferences.

Slide Projections

Slide projections intros are short QuickTime movies. I'm aware QuickTime isn't a Windows friendly movie format and I apologize for that. If you are a Windows user, please download QuickTime for free from Apple website, install it and then click on slide projection intro thumbnail. Other format will be available as soon as possible.

For any suggestion, complain or request, please leave a message on guestbook or contact me.